Dill Andes Node Setup

Faucet - Token Galxe : https://app.galxe.com/quest/n92t8xtegfVMAFUcXJor9E/GCVWntghfL

Network Details :

Server Details :

Update :

sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y
sudo apt install curl tar wget clang pkg-config protobuf-compiler libssl-dev jq build-essential protobuf-compiler bsdmainutils git make ncdu gcc git jq chrony liblz4-tool -y
sudo apt -qy upgrade

GO :

cd $HOME
wget "https://golang.org/dl/go$VER.linux-amd64.tar.gz"
sudo rm -rf /usr/local/go
sudo tar -C /usr/local -xzf "go$VER.linux-amd64.tar.gz"
rm "go$VER.linux-amd64.tar.gz"
[ ! -f ~/.bash_profile ] && touch ~/.bash_profile
echo "export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin:~/go/bin" >> ~/.bash_profile
source $HOME/.bash_profile
[ ! -d ~/go/bin ] && mkdir -p ~/go/bin

Light Valid :

curl -O https://dill-release.s3.ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/linux/dill.tar.gz

Unpacking :

tar -xzvf dill.tar.gz && cd dill

Generate validator keys using the key generation tool :

./dill_validators_gen new-mnemonic --num_validators=1 --chain=andes --folder=./

Sample output :

ubuntu@ip-xxxx:~/dill$ ./dill_validators_gen new-mnemonic --num_validators=1 --chain=andes --folder=./

***Using the tool on an offline and secure device is highly recommended to keep your mnemonic safe.***

Please choose your language ['1. العربية', '2. ελληνικά', '3. English', '4. Français', '5. Bahasa melayu', '6. Italiano', '7. 日本語', '8. 한국어', '9. Português do Brasil', '10. român', '11. Türkçe', '12. 简体中文']:  [English]: 3
Please choose the language of the mnemonic word list ['1. 简体中文', '2. 繁體中文', '3. čeština', '4. English', '5. Italiano', '6. 한국어', '7. Português', '8. Español']:  [english]: 4
Create a password that secures your validator keystore(s). You will need to re-enter this to decrypt them when you setup your Dill validators.:
Repeat your keystore password for confirmation:
The amount of DILL token to be deposited(2500 by default). [2500]:
This is your mnemonic (seed phrase). Write it down and store it safely. It is the ONLY way to retrieve your deposit.

Creating your keys.
Creating your keystores:	  [####################################]  1/1
Verifying your keystores:	  [####################################]  1/1
Verifying your deposits:	  [####################################]  1/1

Your keys can be found at: ./validator_keys

Press any key.

This will generate the validator keys and save them in "./validator_keys "directory

Sample OutPut :

ubuntu@ip-xxxxx:~/dill$ ls -ltr ./validator_keys
total 8
-r--r----- 1 ubuntu ubuntu 710 Jul 13 08:06 keystore-m_12381_3600_0_0_0-xxxxxx.json
-r--r----- 1 ubuntu ubuntu 706 Jul 13 08:06 deposit_data-xxxx.json

Import your keys to your keystore :

./dill-node accounts import --andes --wallet-dir ./keystore --keys-dir validator_keys/ --accept-terms-of-use

Sample OutPut :

ubuntu@ip-xxxxx:~/dill$ ./dill-node accounts import --andes --wallet-dir ./keystore --keys-dir validator_keys/ --accept-terms-of-use
[2024-07-13 08:08:34]  INFO flags: Running on the Andes Beacon Chain Testnet
Password requirements: at least 8 characters
New wallet password:
Confirm password:
[2024-07-13 08:08:39]  INFO wallet: Successfully created new wallet walletPath=/home/ubuntu/dill/keystore
[2024-07-13 08:08:39]  WARN client: You are using an insecure gRPC connection. If you are running your beacon node and validator on the same machines, you can ignore this message. If you want to know how to enable secure connections, see: https://docs.prylabs.network/docs/prysm-usage/secure-grpc
[2024-07-13 08:08:39]  INFO accounts: importing validator keystores...
[2024-07-13 08:08:39]  INFO accounts: checking directory for keystores: /home/ubuntu/dill/validator_keys
Enter the password for your imported accounts:
Importing accounts, this may take a while...
Importing accounts... 100% [===================================================================================]  [1s:0s]
[2024-07-13 08:08:44]  INFO local-keymanager: Reloaded validator keys into keymanager
[2024-07-13 08:08:44]  INFO local-keymanager: Successfully imported validator key(s) pubkeys=0xxxxx
[2024-07-13 08:08:44]  INFO accounts: Imported accounts [xxxxxx], view all of them by running `accounts list`

Save the password to a file change "{my-password}" with your password :

echo {my-password} > walletPw.txt

Start the light validator node :

./start_light.sh -p walletPw.txt

Sample output

ubuntu@xxxxx:~/dill$ ./start_light.sh -p walletPw.txt
Option --pwdfile, argument 'walletPw.txt'
Remaining arguments:
using password file at walletPw.txt
start light node
start light node done
ubuntu@xxxxx:~/dill$ nohup: redirecting stderr to stdout

Valid check :

tail -f $HOME/dill/light_node/logs/dill.log
curl -s localhost:3500/eth/v1/beacon/headers | jq
ps -ef | grep dill
./health_check.sh -v

Sample output :

2024-07-19 15:06:21 CST > Node health check passed.

Staking :

Site : https://staking.dill.xyz/

Dowland this file in your server to your pc : ./validator_keys/deposit_data-xxxx.json

upload deposit_data-*.json

Connect to MetaMask,make sure you have enough balance(>2500 DILL)

Send deposit,using MetaMask to send a deposit transaction

Last updated