Vana Node Setup - DLP Validator - OLD

Special Thanks 👏 : -

Server Advisor :

⭐⭐⭐ Contabo :

PQ :

Hetzner :

Digital Ocean :

Minimum hardware requirements :



8 GB+


Ubuntu 22.04

Update :

sudo apt update -y && sudo apt upgrade -y
sudo apt install ca-certificates zlib1g-dev libncurses5-dev libgdbm-dev libnss3-dev tmux iptables curl nvme-cli git wget make jq libleveldb-dev build-essential pkg-config ncdu tar clang bsdmainutils lsb-release libssl-dev libreadline-dev libffi-dev jq gcc screen unzip lz4 -y

Install Vana :

git clone
cd vana-dlp-chatgpt

Create your .env file :

cp .env.example .env

Install Dependencies (phyton 3.11.4) + pyenv

sudo apt update
sudo apt install -y make build-essential libssl-dev zlib1g-dev libbz2-dev libreadline-dev libsqlite3-dev wget curl llvm libncurses5-dev libncursesw5-dev xz-utils tk-dev libffi-dev liblzma-dev python-openssl git
curl | bash
export PATH="$HOME/.pyenv/bin:$PATH"
eval "$(pyenv init --path)"
eval "$(pyenv init -)"
eval "$(pyenv virtualenv-init -)"
source ~/.bashrc
pyenv install 3.11.4
cd ~/vana-dlp-chatgpt
pyenv local 3.11.4
python --version  # must be shown Python 3.11.4
poetry env use $(pyenv which python)
cd ~/vana-dlp-chatgpt
poetry install

Install CLI

pip install vana

Wallet :

Create Coldkey wallet & HotKey Wallet. Follow the prompts to set a secure password. Save the mnemonic phrases securely; you’ll need these to recover your wallet if needed.

vanacli wallet create default --wallet.hotkey default
  1. Add Satori Testnet to Metamask:

Export your private keys. Follow the prompts and securely save the displayed private keys:

vanacli wallet export_private_key
Enter wallet name (default):
Enter key type [coldkey/hotkey] (coldkey): coldkey
Enter your coldkey password:
Your coldkey private key:
vanacli wallet export_private_key
Enter wallet name (default):
Enter key type [coldkey/hotkey] (coldkey): hotkey
Your hotkey private key:
  1. Import your coldkey and hotkey addresses to Metamask:

    • Click your account icon in MetaMask and select "Import Account"

    • Select "Private Key" as the import method

    • Paste the private key for your coldkey

    • Repeat the process for your hotkey

  2. Fund both addresses with testnet VANA:

    Note: you can only use the faucet once per day. Use the testnet faucet available at to fund your wallets, or ask a VANA holder to send you some test VANA tokens.

Always keep your private keys and mnemonic phrases secure. Never share them with anyone.


Create DLP, Follow the prompts to enter your name, email, and key expiration


You will get 4 files looks like this :

  • public_key.asc and public_key_base64.asc (for UI)

  • private_key.asc and private_key_base64.asc (for validators)

Deploy DLP Smart Contracts

Clone the DLP Smart Contract repo:

cd .. 
git clone 
cd vana-dlp-smart-contracts

Install dependencies:

yarn install

Edit .ENV

nano .env

Than insert this (fill with the address coldkey & private key you can get from metamask, than fill the description of token up to you)

DEPLOYER_PRIVATE_KEY=(your coldkey private key)
OWNER_ADDRESS=(your coldkey address)
DLP_NAME=(your DLP name)
DLP_TOKEN_NAME=(your DLP token name)
DLP_TOKEN_SYMBOL=(your DLP token symbol)

**Save the edit of .ENV file by using “ CTRL + X + Y and ENTER”

Deploy Contract ( You will get deployed addresses for DataLiquidityPool and DataLiquidityPoolToken, please save it)

npx hardhat deploy --network satori --tags DLPDeploy

Check your tx here :

Configure the DLP contract:

  • Visit (fill your DataLiquidityPoolToken Contract)

  • Go to “Write proxy” tab

  • Connect your wallet

  • Go to Write Contract

  • Search updateFileRewardDelay and set it to 0

  • Search addRewardsForContributors with 1000000000000000000000000 (1 million tokens)

Update you .ENV file by call back your vana-dlp-chatgpt

If you missing your file before you can find it by using :

find / -type d -name "vana-dlp-chatgpt" 2>/dev/null

After you found location than call it (it’s mine /root/vana-dlp-chatgpt)

cd /root/vana-dlp-chatgpt
nano .env

Change the command above and replace it on file .ENV:

OPENAI_API_KEY = "Open Ai Api Key"
DLP_SATORI_CONTRACT=0x... (DataLiquidityPool address)
DLP_TOKEN_SATORI_CONTRACT=0x... (DataLiquidityPoolToken address)
PRIVATE_FILE_ENCRYPTION_PUBLIC_KEY_BASE64=... (content of public_key_base64.asc)

How to find your PUBLIC_KEY_BASE64 & see it ???

find / -name "public_key_base64.asc" 2>/dev/null

Mine shows like this ;

cat /root/vana-dlp-chatgpt/public_key_base64.asc

After you get long text, just copy it and replace it on the Change the command

Save the edit of .ENV file by using “ CTRL + X + Y and ENTER”


cd /root/vana-dlp-chatgpt
curl | bash
export PATH="$HOME/.pyenv/bin:$PATH"
eval "$(pyenv init --path)"
eval "$(pyenv virtualenv-init -)"

source ~/.bashrc

pyenv install 3.11.9

pyenv virtualenv 3.11.9 vana-dlp-chatgpt-3.11.9
pyenv activate vana-dlp-chatgpt-3.11.9

poetry install

poetry add python-dotenv

Send 10 tokens to your Hotkey wallet and to your Coldkey wallet (the official documentation says so)

Register your validator:

./vanacli dlp register_validator - stake_amount 10

Just do ENTER when input Name, because it’s default. Fill the password same with you crated before

Just in case you are not DLP Creator and want to registration on another DLP owner you can use the command (Change it)”

./vanacli dlp approve_validator --validator_address=<your hotkey address from Metamask>

Run your validator Node

poetry run python -m chatgpt.nodes.validator

Now Ctrl + C and stop the validator

We create a service file so that the validator works in the background. For this we are looking for a way to poetry

echo $(which poetry)

Command to create a service file, do not forget to replace the path to poetryif it is different for you (copy the entire block and paste into the terminal)

sudo tee /etc/systemd/system/vana.service << EOF
Description=Vana Validator Service

ExecStart=/root/.local/bin/poetry run python -m chatgpt.nodes.validator


We start the service

sudo systemctl daemon-reload && \
sudo systemctl enable vana.service && \
sudo systemctl start vana.service && \
sudo systemctl status vana.service

This conclusion shows that everything Ok

Checking logs

sudo journalctl -u vana.service -f


Last updated