Kuzco Node Setup

Min Ram : 6 GB

Kuzco Register : https://kuzco.xyz/register

Update :

sudo apt update -y && sudo apt upgrade -y

Install Curl :

sudo apt install -y curl

Install Screen:

apt-get install screen -y
screen -S kuzco

Install Kuzco :

curl -fsSL https://kuzco.xyz/install.sh | sh

Check Version :

kuzco version

Upgrade the Kuzco CLI to latest version :

kuzco upgrade

Starting a Worker :

Change This Command : Worker ID : ID in Picture Code : Code In Picture

sudo kuzco worker start --background --worker workerid --code code

Checking Worker Status

kuzco worker status

Stopping a Worker

To stop the running Kuzco worker in systemd, use:

sudo kuzco worker stop

Restarting a Worker

To restart the running Kuzco worker in systemd, execute:

sudo kuzco worker restart

Viewing Worker Logs

To view the current running logs of Kuzco in systemd, you can use:

sudo kuzco worker logs

Windows Setup :


Install Windows launcher - open the zip. Click the Kuzco console setup.

Log in with your Kuzco email and password.

Other Commands :

sudo kuzco worker 

  create           Create and register a new worker with Kuzco.
  start [options]  Start a worker
  stop             Stop the Kuzco worker systemd service
  restart          Restart the Kuzco worker systemd service
  status           Check the status of the Kuzco worker
  logs             Get the logs of the Kuzco worker
  clean [options]  kuzco worker clean will remove the current worker and restart the worker service
  help [command]   display help for command

Delete :

rm -rf .kuzco

Last updated