SP1 Proofs with Aligned

Update :

sudo apt update -y && sudo apt upgrade -y

Download and install Aligned to send proofs in the testnet :

curl -L https://raw.githubusercontent.com/yetanotherco/aligned_layer/main/batcher/aligned/install_aligned.sh | bash
source /root/.bashrc

Download an example SP1 proof file with it's ELF file using :

curl -L https://raw.githubusercontent.com/yetanotherco/aligned_layer/main/batcher/aligned/get_proof_test_files.sh | bash

Send the proof :

rm -rf ~/aligned_verification_data/ &&
aligned submit \
--proving_system SP1 \
--proof ~/.aligned/test_files/sp1_fibonacci.proof \
--vm_program ~/.aligned/test_files/sp1_fibonacci-elf \
--aligned_verification_data_path ~/aligned_verification_data \
--conn wss://batcher.alignedlayer.com

Verify the Proof On-Chain

aligned verify-proof-onchain \
--aligned-verification-data ~/aligned_verification_data/*.json \
--rpc https://ethereum-holesky-rpc.publicnode.com \
--chain holesky

Result :

 Your proof was verified in Aligned and included in the batch!

Last updated