Enter the Docker container environment to retrieve your node's address. This is necessary to request test tokens for staking. Run the following command to access the running container:
docker exec -it pell-validator /bin/bash
Create and retrieve your nodeβs address with the following command:
# create your key
pellcored keys add <your_node_name>
# retrieve your key
pellcored keys show <your_node_name>
Contact the Pell team with your address to receive $PELL test tokens for staking. π₯
Once you have received the tokens, you can verify the balance of your account using this command:
pellcored query bank balances <your_pell_address> --node http://rpc-test.pell.dev:26657
Change <your_pell_address> with your Pell Adress.
Create Your Validator :
Create a new validator by staking apell tokens. Here is an example of creating a validator on PellChain Devnet. Save the transaction hash from the output.
commission-rate is the commission rate on block rewards and fees charged to delegators
commission-max-rate is the maximum commission rate that this validator can charge. This parameter is fixed and cannot be changed after the validator is created
commission-max-change-rate is the maximum daily increase of the validator commission. This parameter is fixed cannot be changed after the validator is created
min-self-delegation is the minimum amount of apell the validator requires to have bonded at all time. If the validator's self-delegated stake falls below this limit, the validator gets jailed and kicked out of the active validator set
gas-prices is gas prices in decimal format to determine the transaction fee
When specifying commission parameters, the commission-max-change-rate is used to measure % point change over the commission-rate. E.g. 1% to 2% is a 100% rate increase, but only 1 percentage point
min-self-delegation is a strictly positive integer that represents the minimum amount of self-delegated voting power your validator must always have
To confirm your validator is created, run this command which shows the current status of your validator.
pellcored query staking validator $(pellcored keys show <your_node_name> --bech val -a)